Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why can't dissident Irish republicans just stop with their stupidity?

I am aware that the term 'stupidity' might be offending to the beliefs of an dissident Irish republican,but I really don't care. With the Queens visit coming up (tomorrow),security is tight around the country,because of idiots like this. While they might believe that their violence will get them 32 counties back (it won't),the rest of us who do not condone this stupidity look like we are on their side. They are obviously uneducated brutes,who were NOT there at the real times of the real troubles. Were ye on this island when Strongbow came along,or when the actual Plantations happened,I think not. I don't agree with what happened to our people way back when. But our people way far in the past did not know our generation of people now,nor did the English scum who actually committed the crimes. The rira and cira will talk and talk about patriotism but they obviously don't have a clue in what they are talking about. And some will talk about their fathers and whatnot,but does the majority of the country give a crap?no. They'l just decide to 'avenge' history that they do not agree with by killing. Pathetic. This country would not be the way it is today if not for the English whether you agree with that or not. We speak their language do we not. Go learn yer fluent Irish rira and cira if ye are so hellbent on making this island the way you want it to be.Hypocrites. My granduncle was a dispatch by for the IRA. I'm aware that people lost their lives for a cause LONG AGO,but for heavens sake the country is at peace,why disrupt it ye selfish gits. I can't wait till the lot of ye inbreds die out. It just pisses me off when you see idiots shouting 'up the ra' when they don't have a clue what they are talking about. Doubt they could name all the members of Sinn Fein. Apologies for the outburst. From an Irish Republican in the South of Ireland.

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