Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What could this dream mean ?? ( not too much text)?

I agree theres a wall of text but it doesnt take long to read, had this up twice but all i am getting is ignorant one line responses ...... Lately i seem to be dreaming about this woman , well....not dreaming about her, but she`s there in every dream every night,..........this started about 3 weeks ago and just wont stop, ive been dreaming about all kinds of weird things but this woman is always with me in the dreams, i`d say she`s about 5ft 8", long blonde hair, but its not a blonde blonde, its like a transparent blonde , its weird, her eyes are like a ice blue colour , and her face is Absolutely beautiful. She`s always taking me places and showing me things ive never seen before, like one night , she was pointing at this big silver square , and when i touched it it started changing colours and moving, she even said the name of it , but the words are hard to remember from these dreams, but we always have fun and mess about and i feel close to her in a brother / sister kind of way, like i remember looking her in the eye last night and feeling like i have known her all of my life......... the weird thing is , im 23 , and i only have 1 brother , no sisters. Anyway... last nights dream was the weirdest, it started as it does every single night - > I am sitting in this horrible room with food and stuff all over the floor, she comes in the room, doesn't say a word, just keeps staring at me with her hand out, so i take her hand and we walk through the door, now this door has been four different rooms, it was a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom , and last night it was a bathroom, i could see it was a bathroom but before i knew it , we were standing at an airport... and i could hear someone talking about fish or something, but when we walked inside this old man put his hand on my shoulder and the woman turned to me with this weird face, she looked evil when he touched my shoulder, the old man said something like " this one is a ???????? listen to her , she`ll take you home" i cant remember the word he used but it sounded odd, she pulled me from him and we carried on through this airport, snow on the ground inside, but sunny outside ?? oO ?? then she turned to me and said "jump".... i can remember thinking , well....jump where? theres nothing here.....then she put her face up into mine and screamed "JUMP !!" still with this evil look on her face. i could feel her breath like ice on my face, and it felt like someone pushed me over, i can remember picking myself up off the ground and i was back outside of the airport, but this old man was there too , he was laughing really really loud, lots of people were just walking into this airport but no one was walking out , then i saw her walking out of the airport and she was talking gibberish at me, which involved alot of weird noises, like some accent or language i have never heard before, and her face creeped me out, then she put her hand out again and smiled with an evil face, the old man screamed " LISTEN !! " , my ears started ringing, her face was normal again, then she smiled at me again and hugged me and said " not yet, its far too early"...............i have been shaking all day and cant stop, im really really hungry, baring in mind its sunday and in the uk we love sunday dinner which is just a plate full of everything, ive had breakfast, lunch and dinner, but im still starving as though i haven't eaten in days, i was very white too when i woke up this morning. These dreams have always been pleasant but strange until last night, like we will sit and talk for hours, i will remember talking for hours, and remember how much i enjoy talking with this woman, but i cant remember a word once i wake up.....and times she has took me to places and showed me what seems to be some sort of technology, these silver squares, its very strange.....but this one was weird because i could feel the emotions, it felt real, it didn't seem like a dream...when she said jump , i didn't want to because part of me was wondering if i would see her again, what could this mean ?? every time i see this woman her face is.... angelic, but she didn't look right last night once we entered the airport as though either i have annoyed her by not listening , or the old man who was there had annoyed her by interrupting, it seemed like she had thrown both of us out of this airport though.

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