Thursday, August 4, 2011

Worried about fish tuberculosis!?

Ok so yesterday i planted my tank and obviously had my hand in the tank. Later that night my guppy was droopy and wouldn't swim properly and had red blotches on its scales. This morning my other guppy also died with a small red blotch on its head. Both were females. The tank is still sort of in its cycling stages so the ammonia is quite high but i am doing water changes. Now as for the other fish they seem fine. (i have a betta, male gupy and 5 white cloud mountain minnows) Now what worries me the most is if its fish tuberculosis because i had my hand in the water and i have a small red spot on my knuckle. It isnt hurting but i dont know if it could of been from yesterday night since the last time i had my hand in the water was yesterday afternoon. I now will where gloves when handling my tank but i still want to know if the fish had tuberculosis. BTW i saw no spinal deformations.

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