Friday, August 12, 2011

Looking to get a Pandora Bracelet?

I wanted to get a Pandora Bracelet. My friend has a"starter chain" i think it's called and its silver with a clasp that says PANDORA. How much would the bracelet cost?

Why do this girl stare at me?

I was at Wal-Mart buying a couple of brisks and some gum when i noticed this really attractive girl in this nail place across the checkout lane just looking at me. Ive never seen her before ( atleast i think lol ) and she was with some people and she kept looking at me then her friends then me. Im in okay shape and i was wearing nice clothes like this black tee and a white fitted hat and some silver chains around my neck. When i payed for my stuff i started to walk the other way but then my friend told me that she was looking at me and when i turned back she was looking at me, dead center pretty much looking at me so hard i couldve thought she was making a movie or somethin lol. Idk why i posted this but im just wondering if somone could help me because i couldnt tell if she was checking me out or she was just staring really hard for reason? lol plz help!

Can anyone tell me the arceus code for soul silver!?!?!?!?!?

Go To the start menu and go onto wifi settings then select auto DNS off the select primary 1 and type this code in: 072 232 228 109 then save the settings. Then go to the gts and voila you have the lv 100 event Arceus. This works in diamond pearl platinum heartgold and soulsilver. You do not need to offer any pokemon, but if you do you'll get the Arceus and not what you put on offer for!

What is the current value of 1935 silver certificates $1.00, $2.00 & $5.00?

they are all about face value. not much value in them YET hold them fro longer and eventually they will be worth more.

Is Lady GaGa really making a Mocking jesus ?

I'm 14 and a christian , i go to church and sunday every sunday . Even Attend most bible studies on wednesday . I don't understand why this song is being called a mockery ? It's makes no sense . I know about the story of Judas who betrayed jesus for 30 pieces of silver . But i can't figure out a tie between the two can anyone tell me ?

Titration help please?

A 10 mL solution is 0.67 mol/L of Ammonia is titrated with 20 mL of 0.14 mol/L of hydrochloric acid. What’s the pH of that solution?

Can I record and game with Fraps on this PC?

Well, Fraps on its own takes a bit of memory, it won't be as good has normal, but i guarentee an unnoticable difference, you should be able to play without any dificulty, if not your computer might need to free up some juice so in that case close unecessary programs

I didn't get my ps3 trophies. which i earned! why didn't i?

I just finished beating Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. After the credits, expecting a gold trophy ( for getting the apple of eden/beating the game) a silver for complete sequence 8, and a bronze for completing sequence 9, i didnt get ANY OF THEM. wtf? can someone help me out. i even quit the game, reset my router, and nothing.. help? i dont get it....

Does anyone know what Ammonia Flow Control Units do ?

Flow control is accomplished normally with a PID loop that opens a valve based on the process variable. Example: Process variable is 50 degrees F, that's the current temperature of the item you want to cool. The CV or control variable is the temperature you want it to be or known as set-point The PID loop then opens or closes the valve to let more coolant or ammonia through. PID stands for Proportional, Integral and derivative. It is a controller that reads the PV, CV and makes adjustments based in time to a descrete device or a valve in this case. Adjustments to the PID can be made to speed up or slow down the changes in PV. Abrupt oscillations are very bad in a PID loop and need to be tuned out.

Does anyone have a mew or celebi on soul silver?

I have a level 100 salamence, that i am willing to trade. My friend code is, 2322 7643 3101. As soon as you answer with your friend code i will go to the th pokecenter wifi club and we can trade there

Fish scratching but no ich nor velvet PLEASE HELP!!!!! ITS NOT THE MEDICATION I NEED HELP?

I have never heard of esha exit and I have been working in the industry for a decade, but I looked it up and I can say that the active ingredients are not commonly used in the parasite medications available in most fish stores (at least in the US). I am not saying that it couldn't be effective but I am unfamiliar with its use so I will recommend products I trust, that work for me. Before I go further, you need to figure out if you have activated carbon in your filter. If you have a hang on power filter, then it is typically contained inside the filter cartridge. Otherwise it would be a media bag that is full of little black rocks or small charcoal. If it is a canister filter, it is in a media bag. Again it looks like pellets of charcoal or black rocks. Some canister filters use a chemi pure or chemical removing media that needs removed also. You must remove the carbon/chemical filter media for the medication to be effective. Make sure the filter remains running though, just take out the carbon during the treatment as the medication instructs. I would actually do a water change to remove any esha exit and switch to quick cure, super ich cure, or coppersafe. Quick cure works for ich and velvet but is also effective against other microscoping external parasites. Its active ingredients are malachite green and formalin. It turns the water blue but that will go away once the carbon is replaced after the full treatment and a partial water change is done. Read the instructions carefully as some species are sensitive to this medication. Typical dose is one drop per gallon per day for three to four days. Super ich cure is a powder medicine that I have used effectivly to treat discus and loaches infected with external parasites and it is safer for delicate species. Read the directions. Coppersafe is a stronger treatment that uses copper sulfate to kill parasites and it is active for one month in the tank. A copper test is advised to monitor levels and it can easily be overdosed so again follow the directions exactly. It will kill inverts too. Metronidazole or clout are other options for medicating your fish if you can't get quick cure or super ich cure. Many people have a prefered medication that works for them, I am only suggesting the ones I personally use, other opinions are valid. I won't ask for more information but I will check back to see if you added any additional details. Please make sure you locate the activated carbon in your filter as almost all filters use it (or should). Also, whatever medication you use, you must read the direction fully and follow them exactly or you could do more harm to the fish. I hope this helps. Good luck.

Why are leftists so angry with Herman Cain for leaving the big government misery plantation they built for him?

Have they not grasped that blacks in fact are not their personal political property to do with as they see fit?

How would i reword this and also add more?

Chinese agriculture was the most advanced in the world during the 18th century. However, cheap labor in the densely populated Chinese land brought on the need for widespread use of machinery for the countryside. New fruits such as potatoes, peanuts, corn, special maize, and sorghum millet from the Americas helped the Chinese population obtain better, longer-lasting nourishment. In addition, these crops could be used in industrial agriculture, further stimulating private entrepreneurship, general employment, and the agricultural economy. Other crops of great use include: tea, cotton, and sugarcane.

Does this here interest you at all?

Now that i read that I want to Read more plzzzz give me more im soo interested!!!! it is amazing i love it. PLZZZ give me more!?!?!

Cheap clumping cat litter has been a bad idea, now whole house smells like ammonia, HELP?

I agree with Bloom, it sounds as if the smell is originating from somewhere other than the litter box.

Can I get 5 Guppies all at once or should I..?

Get three for now then add 2 later on? Would the ammonia get too high if I get 5 all at once? My tank is fully cycled.

Are zn2+ or cd2+ ions visible in water?

i have an aqueous solution of Cadmium nitrate and ammonia, and i was wondering if i can visibly see the cd2+ ions. Does a precipitate have to form in order for the ions to exist in solution??

How can I break up my coconut fibre plantation soil brick (before soaking)?

well 5 gallons is too small for hermit crabs ... and one of those bricks would be too much but you can prepare all and then what you don't use lay it out to dry ... i have done that before ... unless you know someone really strong or with a saw to cut it, i would just prepare the whole brick ... but you should consider a 10 gallon and keep the 5 gallon for the molters/isolation ... once you have everything you need in the 5 gallon the hermit crabs will not have any room to walk around ... i know, i started with a 5 gallon :O)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Are my baby fish goldfish or koi?

Definitely Koi, there are a little young but still can breed at that age. In my experience with gold fish there never did breed and with Koi I had one but never knew till the gold fish died and it got big and put it in a pond. If there fat silver like minnows then there Koi but if there are birds that land in the pond or its near a lake it might be another species from that carried in by the birds, wait a few month or weeks to see what they grow to be.

What do you think about converting urea into ammonia?

Tinkerta is correct, I think. Making the ammonia as needed would save some safety costs, and some possible liability costs, but that may be much less than the cost of the urea and the ammonia extraction cost. Neil

How upset do liberals get when conservative blacks escape from the "Democrat Plantation"?

Herman Cain said that he has escaped from the "Democrat Plantation" and he ain't going back.

Ways to reduce or remove my acne?

One thing is, wash your face regularly with soap, usually works for me. Get out all of the skin oils building up on your face. And hey, dont let it get your confidence down! You are who you are, with or without acne! We all get it sometime or another.

What is Ammonium Iodide when in a dietary supplment? Does it contain ammonia?

And is it a synthetic chemical that can be toxic to humans with MCS? (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) It's in a thyroid remedy. Thank you.

Should I play pokemon platinum/soulsilver?

Nonono black is not the best it is heart gold or soul silver (that's why HG and SS are more expensive than black) I beat both and I still like soul silver better

Please help my scizor pokemon emerald?

i need it to learn a good bug move i kno it can learn silver wind by breeding but i leveld a butterfree up to 47 so it learned silver wind and then put it and my scizor in the daycare, i took my scizor out and it knew no new moves and i hatced the egg they had and it was a caterpie wat do i do?

Business in biotechnology?

usually for a biotech business it needs a huge some of money.. in order to register the labs with level 4 safety guards. For a small capitals, u can choose spirulina production plant, vermi culture,vermi compost,

Why don't we celebrate any holidays where slaves took over a plantation?

yah....lets celebrate the overthrowing of the institution that built the foundation of this country.

Do I need to learn more about Unionism?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How to clean a silver coin without vinegar?

Okay. I don't have any vinegar. Is there some other everyday household item that I could drop a coin in to clean it?

Why can't dissident Irish republicans just stop with their stupidity?

I am aware that the term 'stupidity' might be offending to the beliefs of an dissident Irish republican,but I really don't care. With the Queens visit coming up (tomorrow),security is tight around the country,because of idiots like this. While they might believe that their violence will get them 32 counties back (it won't),the rest of us who do not condone this stupidity look like we are on their side. They are obviously uneducated brutes,who were NOT there at the real times of the real troubles. Were ye on this island when Strongbow came along,or when the actual Plantations happened,I think not. I don't agree with what happened to our people way back when. But our people way far in the past did not know our generation of people now,nor did the English scum who actually committed the crimes. The rira and cira will talk and talk about patriotism but they obviously don't have a clue in what they are talking about. And some will talk about their fathers and whatnot,but does the majority of the country give a crap?no. They'l just decide to 'avenge' history that they do not agree with by killing. Pathetic. This country would not be the way it is today if not for the English whether you agree with that or not. We speak their language do we not. Go learn yer fluent Irish rira and cira if ye are so hellbent on making this island the way you want it to be.Hypocrites. My granduncle was a dispatch by for the IRA. I'm aware that people lost their lives for a cause LONG AGO,but for heavens sake the country is at peace,why disrupt it ye selfish gits. I can't wait till the lot of ye inbreds die out. It just pisses me off when you see idiots shouting 'up the ra' when they don't have a clue what they are talking about. Doubt they could name all the members of Sinn Fein. Apologies for the outburst. From an Irish Republican in the South of Ireland.

Why does my tampon smell like ammonia?

my question is... why did you smell it? but in all seriousness... if you urinated while it was in, and clearly you did, then urine may have absorbed into it and caused the smell, since there is ammonia in urine. and yes, you can develop Toxic Shock Syndrome. but that is unlikely

"To see the madness and yet walk a perfect silver line..." meaning?

To me, he is explaining that a real story-teller has a responsibility to their audience: They need to be able to look at a complete tangle of madness, chaos, evil, and pull out a clear thread of a story that will guide listeners/readers to a clear view of truth. I kind of think of it as marking out the dry path through a swamp.

Can changing some water in my turtle tank reduce ammonia?

i think my turtle's tank my have too much ammonia, im not really sure. i replaced the filter too early and didnt leave the waste on the old media in the tank at all. i think my good bacteria are low. can i change a small amount of water to help?

What illness does my goldfish have?

my gold fish is at the bottom of the aquarium barely moving and not eating. It has a little bit of a swollen belly, small amount of redness at the base of the fins, rapid breathing and clamped fins. What disease is this? my aquarium water is clean with a filter, air stone and all the right levels of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. please help!!

Revisionist History & the Left?

you are so confused my friend...yea the democratic party was once all of that...but it has can not compare a Democrat of to today with those from 100 years ago just like you can not do that with REP from 100 years ago......and bush pushed this country to the brink of bankruptcy but like you CONS always do blame somebody else for your screwup's.....

The majority of logged tropical rainforest becomes?

The primary forests are replaced by fast-growing secondary vegetation but less valuable from the standpoint of conservation of ecosystems. Biologists believe that many species are being doomed to extinction, possibly more than 50,000 a year, due to the elimination of their habitat. However, the number of new species that appear each year is not known. so the correct answer is d.

Do i have a urinary tract infection?

go get it checked, granted its embarassing to piss in a jar but not doing so could lead to something serious later on.

Do I need to WAX my car?

I have a fiat punto, 2005..its in lovley condition and is silver/gray, metallic I think. (I don't know exactly what metalic is but its like your average shiney silver car). Anyway do I need to wax it or anything cus iv never done it

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Which World of Warcraft Private Server is right for me?

I'd like to play WoW again, but I'm not sure if I want to commit to paying for a subscription. I know I can get time cards and such, but first I'd just like to play for a bit to get re-acquainted with the game (I played for a year, but I had to quit.). My question is, which private server is best for me? I'd like to get as close as possible to the actual, pay-to-play game; my two criteria being a mid-to-high population as well as actual work to level (I hate it when servers just hand you the highest level and equipment on a silver platter.) Also, a small side-question, does the official World of Warcraft website offer a free game download, or is it bought like the discs? Please Help!

Is this computer good for what i want?

Looks good to me! Any laptop will do as long as you're not a hard core gamer, and a very picky person.

Will the use of AmmoLock inhibit the cycling of a new tank?

I used AmmoLock two days ago because the ammonia spiked because my tank is relatively new and is cycling. I also used StressZyme to bring in the beneficial bacteria needed to nitrify the ammonia. I know that the AmmoLock doesn't get rid of ammonia, and if I took a reading my levels of toxic ammonia would be false. I know that it only binds with the toxic ammonia to make it non-toxic, and that it is only a temporary fix. I know that water changes are the only way to rid the ammonia, which I am doing on a daily basis. My question is will the nitrifying bacteria breakdown the ammonia, whether its in its non-toxic or toxic form? I don't want to be using this stuff if it would slow the cycling process for any reason. But on the other hand, my one goldfish had ammonia burn, which he is healing from, as a result of the spike in ammonia. I don't him or the other fish I have to suffer the consequences of too much toxic ammonia. I want to protect my fish, while the new tank cycles.

Do you think Silver Bullion will rebound in 2012 due to what conditions or go down even more ?

We're in a long term bull run with silver. It's had a short term set back during May and into June, which is likely to continue. I think it will get down to 20ish before we see a continuation of the bull run. That's my 2 cents and I'm sticking to it.

Eve Silver's books I need help I'm not sure which series is first.?

I am wanting to start reading Eve Silvers books.. I found one on the bookshelf in my house I know there are series.. I'm wanting to know if I have the 1st starting book.. I have **Demon's Kiss** Is there a site I can go to? Or hopefully someone can tell me if mine is the 1st starting one? please?

Can you order silver bars or gold bars from your local bank?

someone said you used to be able to order them from your local bank, but they werent sure if thats still happens these days ?

Going too change my belly ring for the first time...?

i've had it about two months, my piercer says since there is no puss, i can change it. i got a really light belly ring, it's not dangly or anything.. but, the bar is black and it's like.. bendy? made of plasic or something. is it okay for me too use that? i read somewhere online that it's like bioplast or something? i don't know.. i also have a silver one that came in the packet. which would be better?

Brown stuff on the sides of my Dalmatian Molly?

Is the fish bowl dirty? Because maybe I think that there's brown stuff around your bowl and your fish has been rolling in it.

A good pokemon team in Soul Silver?

I just started Soul Silver and I chose cyndaquil and im wondering if you guys could tell me what my team should be! Thanks!

A brief idea of the hardships the pilgrims faced in Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation?

I am looking for a little bit of help on the hardships the pilgrims faced in Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation, I have read the story, but it is hard to understand. Thanks in advanced!

Does beating Red in Soul Silver mean you beat the game?

I beat Red in Pkmn SS. But does this mean that the game is beaten? Or are there other things that I'd have to do?

My boyfriend & I are planning a vacation in mid July to Louisiana any help?

We really wanna see Louisiana and we might go to Florida too.Any suggestions on what and where to do things? We love outdoors, we want to see swamps and alligators more than just tours, deep sea fishing, scuba diving lessons maybe, plantations, old towns, ocean spots, scenic views. The more info the better even good hotels. We will be driving from Oklahoma and staying about 2 weeks maybe more. We want to see scenic views on the way there too. Thank you

Evaporated?.....died?.....eate… :O ?

does your sucking part of the filter have a huge gap? because that might be the problem. usually fishes go missing like that by filters so check in there. if so, get a filter like the tetra 10i. it works really well and no fish go missing unless its a baby fry or really tiny fish that are very skinny and are a few milimetres.

Whats up with my fish?

well first. the water has to be room temperature and if you have this substance that makes the water more salty then thats good but if you don't then you kinda have to fix that its like a spray

Where can I find a cfl bulb?

Ok more specifically, I have a Plantation Home that came with a fan with lights in the bedroom, now one of the bulbs has burned out. I tried calling my builder who had no idea where to send me, and none of the local hardware or lighting stores carry this one. It is a 4 pin kind of pear shaped not spiral and not tube bulb on the plastic plug in part it has this as an identifier viva pla13w 3000K cri:82 and on the other side it says v642. With all this information you would think it would be easy to find but I have had no luck!! Hopefully someone out there can help! Thanks...

Coins, a 1943 white penny.?

My dad had a silver white 1943 penny. We want to sell it and want it authenticated is there a place in Arizona where we can take it. Also the penny sticks to a magnet. We are interested in selling it as soon as possible.

In tree growing business for wood, which are the trees whose wood is the most expensive?

my freind has a farm and we were thinking of starting a tree plantation programme wherein when the tree grows and we can chop it down and sell the wood. which are trees which we should plant. which are woods which fetches the most amount of money

Dead Seahorse question?

I have to agree with both posters. Nonetheless, I will not yell at you. You just made a mistake and it happens to the best of us. But here are some pointers if you decide to continue with seahorses, which I wouldn't until you have at least 5-10 yrs under your belt. They are fragile, so fragile that anything that is off so to speak can kill them. First thing I will say is you do not add a seahorse unless all parameters are great, not just good. The tank should be cycled for at least a year or more. They are not like other fish that will bounce back after adjusting parameters, they go into shock easily. Now for the whitish spot, that means that they were constipated and probably infected with a bacteria. Seahorses do not have stomachs, all they have are intestines from the top of the belly down. So they process food quickly. But they can easily become backed up so to speak. I would feed with amino omega, it helps with this ailment. Your PH was way too low, they have to have a PH of 8.0 or higher. Ammonia has to be 0, nitrites 0, nitrates between 0-5, calcium at least 400 seeing how their bodies are exoskeletons. Also Mg, Iodine, and DKH has to be in perfect match or they will die. The reason one was stuck on the filter was because he died and rose to the intake of your filter and became stuck. Now here are some husbandry notes, feed three times a day with garlic extract and amino omega soaked mysis shrimp. feed with something that releases small amounts at a time, you do not want to rise nitrates, feed only what they will eat. They are slow eaters so that is why I say this. Keep a QT handy, you will need it to treat for all diseases. Do not over load the tank, anything that raises ammonia will straight up kill them. They really need a wet/dry filter, canisters cause vibriosis, a horrible disease that is fatal, no coming back. If you do use a canister you have to clean the tubes everyday. They need hitching posts and places to rest. NO HERMITS! they will pinch them and cause infection. Star fish only for bottom feeders. Do not buy kelloggies unless you have 60 gallons or more, and do not buy kudas or erectus unless you are very experienced with sea ponies. The black seahorse is your best bet, they are the hardiest. Also keep cochepods in the tank, they love to munch on them, you can get them at the LFS. I am sorry about your ponies, and I hope I helped. I do not like to be mean because we have all made mistakes. Just learn from this one. Also go to they will walk you through everything. Good luck!

Ammonia is produced by the reaction of hydrogen and nitrogen according to this balanced equation:?

I'm guessing that they provided a number on the grams of nitrogen because this reaction occurred in an excess of hydrogen. If there wasn't any hydrogen present, then the reaction wouldn't take place, obviously. Since we are given the amount of limiting reactant, we can simply find the number of moles of the limiting reactant ( 13.4/28.02=.478mol N2). Then, we use mole ratios to go from reactant to product. (2 mol NH3/1 mol N2 =.9568mol NH3). This is the moles of ammonia produced. Then, convert this into grams: (.9568mol NH3 * (17.02g/mol))=16.29g NH3

What's something cute to write in my Sweet 16 invitations?

im having my sweet 16 in a couple months and im trying to design the invitations....but im having trouble thinking of something cute to write before all the information on where and when it is. The color theme is pink black and silver, and im having it in an old movie theater..any suggestions ?

I need help with a Chemistry question!?

you know i understand your pain so ima help you go to and theres your answer

How do I cycle my goldfish tank?

I have lost 3goldfish within the last week. They suffered with white spot, ammonia poisoning and fin rot I believe. I now have no goldfish in the tank and would like to know how can I cycle my tank to make it safe to put goldfish in there

Help Me With These Unexpected New Fish?

I suggest getting a wet chem test kit, strips are rather inaccurate. To keep the platies healthy, do a 10-20% water change every other day, or every day if they're looking ill. Feed once a day, and only a little bit. Also, add some live plants, java moss is a great nitrogen vacuum. If you are determined, I bet you could keep them alive. Platies are tough little guys, but again, it'ss be very stressful for them so do whatever you can to make them more comfortable. But don't fall for their begging, only feed a tiny bit once a day to keep ammonia as low as possible.

Two conseqeuence of the ulster plantation?

great industries the shipyard for one , titanic, ulster scot and british culture, building what was once a barren land, best fighters in british army, and i dont rant rg i answer questions as i have ev right too because shock horror i live on this island too and i dont care about tds either and im sure i speak for alan as well

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

If my nitrate level is at 15 ppm am i done cycling?

It is at about 15 ppm. Weird thing tho my ammonia is at .25? Does this mean im not nearly close to done? I thought if you had nitrrate this meAns the tank cycled. Its been cycling 3 weeks, i preused gravel and its a fishless cycle.

2 goldfish in 10 gallon tank?

hi everyone i know you think i am ridiculous putting 2 red cap oranda goldfish in a 10 gallon but i'm only 13 and i can't afford a bigger tank. is there any way of these 2 living for a long time? if so please tell me. i have a filter, 2 rocks, and some fake plants. please just i would want to get a bigger tank but i cant afford it so i would not like any un encouraging answers but just tell me please how long they will live and how i can take care of them. i know how to take care of them but i want to know better care for them in a 10 gallon. btw, the water is very very clean and ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, etc are all normal.

4th of july bbq with my crush, what should i wear?

Wel unless you have a good primer you Probably don't wanna wear eyeshadow because it'll crease, you should wear water proof liquid liner and wing it out, and if you don't wanna wear a dress wear shorts... And you might not wanna wear a white **** just in case you 1. Sweat a lot 2. Spill something on your shirt lol. That's all I can think of

What is flesh and blood made of according to YOUR knowledge?

No protein is a wax. The body is not made of wax. You need evidence for your claim about the origin of life beyond one specific creation myth from one specific culture from one specific geography from one specific period of human history thousands of years ago.

How much would a Pandora Chain cost?

Its a silver chain and i think its called a started chain? So does anyone know how much one costs? Thanks!

How come people say Herman Cain can't be president?

Because he wont get the votes from the racist rednecks because he's black. He wont get the votes from the black people because he's a republican.

Advice please, wondering if i could be pregnant or not ?

If your period is not due for 6 days then it was too soon to take a test. Most of the strongest tests won't detect pregnancy until 5 days before your next period at the earliest. I'd wait a few days and take another one. You have some pregnancy symptoms, but they can also be symptoms found before a period regularly begins. GL!

Which necklace is better? that one

Whats wrong with my guppies?

Did you cycle it first? Bacteria needs to build up before adding fish into the tank. If it doesn't get the chance to build up, ammonia and nitrite levels will rise and drop, this will shock the fish and in some cases lead to death.

Any gay or bi guys I can email?

I'm 14 I wud like to meet someone and I live in nevad around silver springs but anywhere is fine.. Juat be nice for someone to be in like dayton or something

Salem, Massachusetts in 1670?

What were some common jobs, major events, and products made and grown? Were there many plantations in Salem? Were their any defined 'Patriots' and 'Redcoats' in the 1670s? If so, about what percent were Patriot and Redcoat?

What is a dangerous level of nitrite in an aquarium?

I am doing a cycle with fish, and the Ammonia has dropped down near 0 ppm, the Nitrate has risen to around 10 ppm, but the Nitrite is stuck around 5 ppm. Is this a very dangerous level for Nitrite? It has been this high for a week now and I have done two water changes, but I need to know if I should be doing changes daily?

Help me find 'my style' please? (Not hard)?

its called vintage and indie fashion check out this site i think youll like it a href="" rel="nofollow"

Help, my fish tank is getting cloudy!?!?

So yesterday, I got new fish for my 10 gallon aquarium. I let them sit on the top of the water so they could get used to the temperature and then I let them in. Most seem to have adjusted to the tank well and the others hopefully will soon as well. I got 3 Glassfish, 2 Mollies, and Angelfish, and a long orange fish. The water was crystal clear yesterday and I didn't feed them that day. However, today in the morning I woke up and found my fish tank to be a bit foggy. I don't know what the problem is. I also don't have pH or ammonia level checking materials but I did in fact condition the tap water which I had put in with the appropriate amount of conditioner. I also have a bubble stone and a filter so I think my fish tank is good, right? I just don't know what could have caused the cloudiness. My fish seem fine and not stressed but I don't want them to die! Please help me with this :/ Thanks.

Can anyone help me in the topic of History, please?

Based on personal knowledge of the meaning in economics and general French, "to let it be," I'd say (a) for question 2. Are you taking a practice quiz, or an open book? Glossaries could be very helpful, if the latter.

Does anyone know where i can buy a full finger ring in dublin?

Like this one or this one

Can you play kingdom hearts 2 on the xbox?

I played it a lot when I was a kid but never finished because my plantation crashes. Now I have an xbox and I was wondering if it has an xbox version. Does anybody know?

Problem aquarium water conditions?

I have a large tank - 6.5 foot x 2 foot, its been up and running for 2 years and all they fish are very healthy (never had a death), they are mainly oddball fish - 2 eels, 2 oscars, 2 tinfoils a couple of plecos and birchirs, a couple of rainbows and some catfsh. I recently did a water test and the results basically say the fish should be dead but there is nothing wrong with them. The only test that was ok was the ammonia, but I believe that this may be due to the extremely low pH - around 5. They nitrates / nitrites are also high. My problem is how to try and sort this out without shocking the fish. If I do a large water change and the pH rises, I believe I may run the risk of an ammonia problem. Anyone any ideas?

Is it worth taking antihistamine again 36 hours after a hornet sting?

I was stung early yesterday morning and put afterbite ammonia on it but by the afternoon my ankle had swollen so much I could not move my ankle. I took antihistamine then. Today it is still swollen, red and hot but moving more easily. My friend advised me to elevate my leg but with two dogs and a child and a house to look after, I admit I have not done this and now it is stinging and itching and feels very hot and tight. I took the antihistamine at this time yesterday. Is it worth taking it again today or is too late to do any good?

Help! How do I answer this? Concentration?

A housekeeper wants to use an ammonia solution to clean a kitchen. The concentration of ammonia (NH₄OH) in a 500 ml bottle is 14 mol/L. The housekeeper needs a solution whose concentration of ammonia is 0,2 mol/L, using a spray bottle with a capacity of 12 L. How much undiluted ammonia should she put in her spray bottle?

What's a good company for plantation shutters in Hemet California?

I want to get some installed hopefully by the end of this month, so any quick help would be appreciated, thanks!

HP or Toshiba Laptop?

My grandmother has a Toshiba and in the second year she has had it, it has been really slow and received tons of viruses, and she only used e-mail and some games. My mother has an HP and when I use it sometimes it works great. She has had it for 3 years now and it is wicked fast and I never seen it get any viruses. I recommend the HP. If you are afraid that it will overheat, purchase one of the fans that go underneath. They make a huge difference, I have one myself.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Where can i find rayban clubmasters with silver on the bottom?

my grandpa has some and he died before was born. i found out that he had some ray ban clubmasters that were black with silver on the bottom. my grandma has them now. but i feel that it would be very sentimantal if i found some for me and my uncle who really want some. they can be real or fake as long as they look just like the real thing. if you can help me with this i will be so happy and so will my family you wont eve know! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

Do I still need to cycle my tank if I already have snails?

I have been reading about cycling freshwater tanks and have read a lot of stuff I don't understand. I've even watched youtube videos to try to make heads or tails of what I had read. I kind of get it now but now I have a new question. All the things I read and watched said that eventually you should add hardy fish to start the nitrate and ammonia cycling. Wouldn't having snails also start this process? I mean they have bodily functions too. I have had my tank with snails for two weeks. I am hoping to add fish soon but not until the tank is prepared. I understand the basics of cycling and won't need explanations on cycling and carrying capacity. I have a 5 gallon just to let you know what I'm dealing with. I also have two mystery snails. So technically haven't I unknowingly already started if not completed the cycling? I mean don't they count as quote unquote "Hardy Fish"? I'm just trying to clear up some stuff so I can get on to adding my new fish. Thanks for your time in at least reading this question and have an awesome day!!

The Daniels Family from Saint Kitts & Navis Island?

My grandfather,his sister and an uncle came from Oak Tree road in St. Kitts. The name came from the plantation owner.

A 10 mL solution is 0.67 mol/L of Ammonia is titrated with 20 mL of 0.14 mol/L of hydrochloric acid. What’s th?

A 10 mL solution is 0.67 mol/L of Ammonia is titrated with 20 mL of 0.14 mol/L of hydrochloric acid. What’s the pH of that solution?

Why did the Sutherland clan (Scottish) come to america?

Me and my family are Sutherland but we've always wondered why our ancestors came to America when they were a rich clan with a extravagant castle.My family is still talking to the Sutherlands still living in the castle but no one knows why our ancestor came to america before the civil war to become a plantation owner.My mom always said it had something to do with a clan war but we still don't know so can someone give me some help?Also please don't give me a link to some ancestry site thanks.

A tribute to Shel Silverstein's "Where the Sidewalk Ends"- cc?

Ah, the teacher, will release you from your own penitentiary and he will point you to where beauty hides and sleeps.

Urgent! Help with homework! 10 points for best answer!?

this is an opinion. there are no right or wrong answers unless you say something like "they were rich and happy" which is wrong. As everyone would knows slaves lived a horrible life. so any answer about them having a bad and poor is correct

Is my apartment haunted?

I don't really believe in ghosts or spirits or anything but I think you should get someone to stay with you for a while and see what they think. Also, have you considered that the things being moved and stuff are just your cat? I have a dog and when we're all out he'll sometimes drag all of our clothes downstairs and put them in his bed so he has our scent. Good luck anyway.

When to call long john silvers?

I put in an application at a fast food resturant on friday. And I know that a holiday is coming up tommorrow, so when should I call to check on an application. I have a friend that got called the day after she turned in her application, which was last week. And the manager told her that they need lots of people, since everyone is quitting. What day should I call and what to say?

Is it safe to use Garnier HerbaShine hair dye while pregnant?

I'm 8 in a half weeks pregnant and my boyfriend's mother who is an RN and my hair dresser said that it's completely okay to dye your hair while pregnant. I figured this specific brand would be good to use because it's ammonia free.

Im decorating bathroom and can do with some designer advise?

i have white tiles with blue and silver boarder i want to tile the floor but im really not sure of what color to go for .i was thinking a dark grey with white grout or black tiles has any one got some advise ? the walls are light blue but can be changed

What is wrong with my tank? water is perfect?

I have a 30 gallon tank in my room. My fish have started dying lately. I really dont know why because I have been testing my water everyday for the past 2 weeks and ammonia-0 ppm, nitrites-0ppm, nitrates-0ppm, and pH-7. My temperature is also at 78 degrees for my tropical fish. I had 7 tiger barbs, 6 zebra danios, 3 platys, and 4 cory cats. It has been up and running since easter and i did a fishless cycle before that the correct way. (experienced fish owner) and the tiger barbs and danios all died in the passed 2-3 weeks.... i dont know why and what i should do because everything in my tank is perfect AND none of my fish are/were was just like i woke up and a perfectly healthy fish had died the next day...PLEASE HELP...any suggestions???

What would happen to the Scotch-Ulster Plantation should Scotland achieve independance?

Considering most Ulster are Scottish wouldn't Northern Ireland become apart of Scotland? Also, would Scottish Independence create a greater degree of tolerance for Roman Catholicism?

Abandon woods//lakes//beaches close by. fort lauderdale floridA?

Does anyone know of any abandon places? I find them quite interesting. And I just want a place to go to get away..... Like in the movies everyone has a secret place to escape..... Is there an escape herE in plantation/ft.LAuderdale florida! Please help! Thanks

Why didn't Michelle Bachmann just say, "Oops, I misspoke. Sorry"?

if you want to fail history & geography, listen to her. If you want the country to fail, vote for her.

Fish tank Ammonia Help?

MY fish tanks have high ranged Ammonia and i still dont no what to do to get it down i do water changes but they go up help? MY fish tank is 10 gallon.

Is there a way of getting my hair back?

Have you tried Nioxxon. I may have spelled that wrong.(This product is found at most JcPenneys hair salons) But I have heard a lot of people say that it works great. I know men that are loosing hair started using it & is seeing great progress. Women that have had hair thinning use this product & say it works great. Vitamins are a great help to. Vitamin E helps with your skin, hair, & nails! I also know that red is the hardest color to maintain & the hardest one to remove from the hair! Good luck & hope this helps you!

Should I use a thin or thick belt?

I say go with a thin black belt! or if you are really out going a hot pink belt! The black cardi would be SUPER DUPER cute with it :) especially if you put a hot pink belt with it haha!

Do you think Xbox hacked into the Playstation Network to gain control of the online gaming world?

Plantation Network announced that online game play will be shut down for AT LEAST 3 months. Do you think someone from Xbox (Microsoft) or even Nintendo hacked Sony? This was a state of the art hack, no ordinary hacker could have infiltrated such an emmense network? What do you think?

Why won't my pimples go away?

Sensible diet, good hygiene and low stress should keep acne away. Try some great OTC products like Niapads, Cetaphil etc. Remember, the most effective treatment is one that is simple to use. For eg. cut a piece of Niapads, moisten it with water and place it on the yet to come to surface acne. Active ingredients penetrate skin and get rid of acne bacteria. Routine use of Niapads helps exfoliate, open clogged skin pores and gets rid of acne in one simple step without drying your skin. Contains Lavender oil – well known moisturizer. Niapads worked for me try it.

What would you do for $500/day summer job?

In the Emerald Triangle that is the going rate on weed plantations, all cash. Of course there is risk, and you are expected to provide personal services to your boss as required. Would you go for it? I'm considering it.

Terraria NPC's not coming?

i have over 50 silver, i have had at least one heart thing, and i have bombs. yet, none of the NPC's are coming. not even the guide is moving into one of my rooms. my rooms have full walls and background made from wood, table, chair and a torch. why arent they appearing?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Anyone got any cheats to get gold coins on dizzywood?

i am saving up for my vampires vs zombie party and i need more gold coins to buy stuff and my outfit so i need some cheats cuz when i play games i just seem to get a load of silver coins

Where does the silver doe come from in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

I'm pretty sure its Snape, but then again I haven't read that book in a couple years, so that could be wrong. I'm 85% sure its Snape.

My tank has been cycling for 4 weeks and my ammonia is still high?

so my tank has been cycling 4 weeks and i have high nitrates and ammonia. so i went to my local fish store, and they gave me a ammonia remover.i put it in my tank and i have no more ammonia?? should i have done that, or was that a bad idea since i kinda altered the cycle.

Nitrate and ammonia test in tanks?

I don't ever test the water, just add 2-3 drops xtra conditioner and keep it room temp...I have 3 flourishing 10 G. tanks

I feel bad for this horse! LONG, LQ inside!!?

This is what my gelding did when he choked... since his did not clear up in under 1 hour we had to call the vet. my old mare has done this as well but it was massive amounts of snot coming out her nose... she was able to clear the choke in about 20 minutes and was fine.

How much is my antique bed warmer?

I have this old antique bed warmer and I have no idea how much It's worth. It has a short wooden handle and is in great shape, on top of it is this engraved lion, the bed warmer is silver. I have no idea how much this thing is worth. It would be great if you could help me, thanks:)

African relief effort?

I believe we should focus our attention to Africa. It seems there are a lot of problems over there that we, as Americans, can help with. Disease is a common place in third world African countries and countries run by dictatorships commit mass genocide of opposing groups of people. People over there are DAILY being killed by lions and other starving Africans. One solution is that we plant more grass over there. That way the starving ethiopians will have something to eat. Another solutions is we provide them with condom dispensers... kind of like what we have in gas stop restrooms. Another good example would be to burn down the jungle and kind of force the Africans over there into labor...BUT pay them! or we could forcibly take them and make them work on our plantations BUT also pay them, that way it won't be racist. post your ways to deal with problems in 3rd world countries... I eagerly await your responses

The test for ammonia ion is to add it to NaoH.what happens and how can you confirm the test with litmus?

Just to add on the previous answer, ammonia is basic and volatile. Thus, you can use moist red litmus paper to confirm ammonia gas which is liberated (since ammonia is volatile). Just put the red litmus paper at the mouth of the test tube. It will do

Civil War Journal project, a good slave name?

Hello! I am doing a civil war journal project in my english class... what would be some good FIRST names for a slave that looked after and grew up with the plantation owners daughter? Most slaves only had a first name, so that is all I need... Please and Thank you :)

What are good questions that a northern abolitionist would ask a southern platation slave owner?

we are doing an activity in my history class where the teacher acts as a southern plantation owner and all of the students have to be northern abolitionist who ask him questions about slavery and why he thinks its necessary. i need some good questions that will stump my teacher for extra points. thanks

A few questions about slavery in North America?

Slavery began in the early 1600s with native americans and eventually african americans. Slavery was suppose to end with the Emancipation Proclamation, but since Louisiana seceded they didn't follow it. So officially slavery was ended at the conclusion of the Civil War in 1865 with the 13th Amendment. There was over 40,000 slaves in the New Orleans area.

Stress Coat+ Or Prime or Jungle Just Right? Expert Fish Keepers Only Please!?

So right now i'm using Stress Coat+ in all of my fish tanks. Then i read that the aloe messes with their scales so that they'll produce more slime. Is this true? And that it covers up ammonia so it won't show. Idc about if they take it away or cover it up thats why i do water changes. But When it comes to conditioning the water and helping heal fish which is better? Also does anyone have experience with Fish Protector? Is it good?

Would this outfit be cute for a 4th of july party?

You would probably look really good in that outfit! Adding a flower a head band would make it better but I can't decide which you should use.

Is anyone always playing soul silver and wants to exchange friend codes.?

when you giv me your FC i am going to go straight to the poke center and try and contact u. my FC is 2322 7643 2101

How do i figure out the make and model of my Sony Walkman?

Its black and silver and says sony below the screen. A hold button on top left side. Volume Button top right.

Can i dye my hair twice after 6 weeks?? Please read info..?

Ive dyed my hair 5 times in total over about 3-4 months..the most recent one had no ammonia in and only lasted about 3 weeks (it was only a tint colour) so its pretty much faded back to the full brown...but ive still left it for about 6-7weeks just to be safe and to build up more strength/repair a bit so would i be able to dye it now without any hair falling out??? Thats the only thing im worried about, i dont want it to start falling! (my hair is in healthy condition, never had problems with the other times i dyed it and i use shampoo & conditioner). Also i would have to dye it the same dark brown i already have on before dying it the actual colour i want it (deep red/mahogany colour). only dying it brown again first because my roots would be a different colour if i did it red straight away :)

What were the major crops produced in the South US in 1800?

I know cotton was not profitable at that time, but I need to know the most helpful crops to plantation owners.

The Hawaiian language and culture (Hawaiians highly appreciated to answer)?

I agree the Hawaiian language and culture.It's very romantic you know .Beautiful gift baskets you can choose are on the

Acclimating bettas/guppies?

I would get 5 male guppies because betta fish tend to not get along very well, but guppies get along fine with eachother

I don't get this joke? Please explain?

I think it means that the captain was Mexican the whole time, and he was offended that the plantation owner said to not allow Mexicans to come,so knowing that plantations usually had black slaves working, he decided to send 4 black man on purpose so that he could get back at the racist father and his daughter, do you get it?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is this a good setup for my new skateboard ?

all the things you have look fine to me. bones bushings are good but when i had them i had trouble keeping them tight. for some reason it would lossen uop so mush i couldnt turn because of wheel bite. i would recemend choosing different griptape too. mob tears up shoes really quick unless you dont skate to hard then its fine.

I think my 30 gallon needs some work? help?

so my friend took the goldfish, shouldve known hed use them for oscar food :/ but better than being in a small crowded tank. my las dojo loach is about to kick the bucket, hes upside down and lying there but still breathing and my ammonias through the roof at 6ppm. i plan on letting the tank re-cycle and was wondering if i could just have a single severum fish in it. i saw them at the pet store when i went to have my water tested and the gold severums were just beautiful looking. i was wondering if i could have any in my 30 gallon?

Who appointed white people the "experts" on the black race (especially in America)?

White people in America seem to think that they are experts on the black race. They think they know EVERYTHING about the black race, but probably can't tell Malcolm X from Louis Farrakhan. White conservative racists love to say that blacks are Democrats because "they need to be on the plantation" even though they can give absolutely no evidence. News flash: Blacks vote Democrat because white racists (ahem, SOUTHERNERS) all vote Republican and Republicans would re-instate slavery if they could.They also like to promote any black race traitor (read "Black Republican") to a nearly angelic status (Condoleeza Rice, Hermain Cain, etc.).

What are the benefits of ammonia free hair dye?

i saw some at the whole foods store and i was wondering, how much less damage does it do then hair dye that contains ammonia and does it work any less better?

Is this a good laptop?

It is a basic cheap laptop suitable for Word processing, emailing and surfing the web. It is no a game machine by any means.

What are chicken mcnuggets made of?

someone told me various entrails, like the liver and internal organs. and ammonia. what are they made of because i am really paranoid right now.

Does anyone have a mew, celebi, or arceus they want to trade?

Im using soul silver, my friend code is 2322 7643 3101. When you reply with your friend code i will be at the poke center. If im not there within 10 minutes then you can leave, but please have the curtousy to wait on me for 10 minutes.

African slaves working times?

During the 1600's in the trade triangle, when the African slaves were shipped off to America to work on plantations, how long would they work for ? For example what tine did they wake up and go to bed? Thanks

My mom is not at all allowing me to go to athletics and Iam a good athlete . How shall i convince her ?

Please give an idea to convince my mom . I got 4 gold medals and 1 silver in my school. She is telling that your studies will get affected don't go to athletics.Please give me an idea before 14th of June because on 14th june there is a selection for Inter school athletics meet.

What is Leadership Academy ?

I`m in NJROTC at Antelope Valley High School in Lancaster, CA. what is leadership academy , & what all do i have to pass to get a silver cord ?

My plantation Tank which has Pellia Moss attached to driftwood and then it started to rot and get black?

Now today I noticed That something green started growing from that rooting stuff and Its like green and like good moss wanted to ask whether Is it the same moss or am I suppose to remove it ?? will that harm my other plants

How to record video on Nikon Coolpix S4000?

I click the silver button with a camera on it and then on the touchscreen I click the video camera symbol on the bottom left hand corner. It record for a few second and then says "This card can not be read." How do I take video? I dont know where the instruction booklet is. HELP!

My menstrual comes once or twice a year & along with that my urine smells like ammonia! What could be wrong?

eating meat (or anything high in protein), asparagus, a uti or not drinking enough water is normally what cause the smell to get strong. you're supposed to drink 2 ltrs (8 cups) of water on a regular day. then for every 15-30 mins of vigorous exercise or sweating you should have another cup or 2. But urine contains ammonia (although you can't normally smell it). that's why you're supposed to be careful with the chemicals you use to clean the toilet. But some women don't get their period very often. You may also be underweight. Talk to your doctor or gynecologist.

List Dog Names... Please..?

I'm adopting two Siberian Huskies. ♥ Both dogs are males. We have already planned to name one of them, Dewey ♥ (Has a grayish orange and brown coat with blue eyes.) The other (has a silver gray coat and brown eyes). I was thinking of either Archie, Acher, Athur, Dallas, River or Jack.. etc. I don't want names like: Sniffles, Snickers, Doodle..etc. I want kinda of real ppl names but names someone wouldn't use on their child.... u kno? Thanks :))

I hav silver stretch marks on my arm?

Well I have 1 year until I go to prom. I couldnt wait to wear all the pretty strapless gowns but on my right arm I have these silver stretch marks right in front of the armpit :(. How can I fix this in a year?? I'm African amerian.

Playstation 2 games download?

ok i wanna play a lot of ps2 games but sadly all of them are not available in my place, so i thought i could download it from net write it on a cd..but was advised not to from my ps2 dealer.he said the blank cds should be the silvered ones not the other colorful ones.and its not possible to find the silvered ones so easily.he said i should instead download games to a usb and then play my question is how?will ps2 not ask for a cd?how do i play them through a usb?what is the procedure?please help

The ongoing civil war in Colombia basically derives from which of the following?

the greatest struggle is political between the Guerrilla Farc and the Gov. troops and police. the drug cartel have united with the drug cartel to have the military organization of the Farc taking over the process, and security. and Hugo Chavez gives them protection in Venezuela

Colour scheme Please? 10p to best answer!?

I would use silver and white and icy blue, that way you will most definitely stand out in the red, especially if it's a little bit on the burgundy or raspberry side. Have your guests come in jewel tones, like emerald or sapphire, or amethyst, just keep ruby and garnet off the list!

Pokemon soul silver safari zone questions! please anwser?

okai, so ive just obtained the national pokedex in pokemon soulsilver, and have done research on the safari zone on, firstly, ive been told forwarding the time on you DS can make things like pkegear calls from the warden baoba faster and objects placed in the safari zone upgrade quicker (because how can the game expect someone to play for 250 days, honestly?) now this is important because for me, one of the best things in the game is building up a team and bonding with them (lol sad i know) and 2 pokemon in really want are walrein and flygon, so i dont want to move onto kanto untill ive made that team, so now im waiting for the warden to call to give me new objects, but hes not no matter how far forward i make the DS clock, and after that aparantly i have to wait 80 days after placing the 25 (i think) peak objects to get vibrava (vibrava not trapinch, because ill breed it instantly to get a lvl 1 trapinch and raise it from there) so yeah, can someone please explain and recomend for me???? thanks :)

Plead help me choose a colour scheme!?

I think black and green, because people are going to wear silver jewellery anyway but black and silver costumes are harder to find than black and green.

I think my goldfish is dying please help!!!?

my gold fish is at the bottom of the aquarium barely moving and not eating. It has a little bit of a swollen belly, small amount of redness at the base of the fins, rapid breathing and clamped fins. What disease is this? my aquarium water is clean with a filter, air stone and all the right levels of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. please help!!

Practice SAT essay feedback?

Idk if it's because of the time that you had, but this is a really rough paper. you have a lot of well thought out background information to support your statements, in what I gleaned from a quick sweep of it, but I can notice MANY grammatical errors. This can sometimes break a paper even more so than lack of significant examples and information. I personally do not feel like identifying them, I'm sure someone will however. Other than that you're fine :)

What would you name twins girls?

i like lauren and louise but from your list, Kaylee-Dawn & Vanessa-Dawn. who says they cant have the same middle name :) Ella is not a good idea ther are hundreds of them. even though its beautiful. i liek Ella -louise.

What policy did liberal republicans favor?

1) A 2) A is the answer 3) AThat has to be Andrew Johnson A because he was against civil rights 4) is D 5) D

What was NOT a goal of Reconstruction after the Civil War?

B. The goals of the reconstruction revolved around bring the South into the nation again with differences in terms of slavery being abolished, thus blacks were free. Also, the nation had goals to ensure equality for blacks, the 14th and 15th Amendments. President Jackson tried to hinder the goals of Congress but Congressional goals did include bringing the South back into the Union, to help blacks gain the rights of whites, and to help rebuild the South that was destroyed during the war.

What can I use to lower the pH in my fish tank?

cool im from SD too! don't use any ph chemicals. just get a small piece of driftwood. it should lower it a little. i have both driftwood and co2 and my ph was i think 6.8 when i tested but when i got it tested at petsmart, they said it was 7.2..

Are these good colours for my MAC custom palettes? 10 points :)?

Those are all great combos!!! and Satin taupe is my absolute favorite color from mac, thats the only one i can help you decide on! Sorry I didn't help much!

Was there slavery in Mexico?

My great-great grandfather owned a sugar plantation in southern Mexico known as La Hacienda de Atlihuayan Morelos and I'm wondering if the people who chopped our sugar canes were either slaves or indentured bond servants. So, please provide me with some good links and stuff, so I could better understand.

A question about fish tank cycling?

You can easily buy something called prime from a local fish store that will do the job. Or you can let the tank be idle meaning, let the filter fun and whatever else without fish for a few days and that should be fine. Fish should not be added until after the cycling of the water in the tank because the fish may not be able to survive due to the chemicals and lack of oxygen of the water. The best is just getting prime, look it up on petco or petsmarts website. They should also have it at walmart. The bottle seems expensive but you only use a few drops so it lasts a good about of time. I have been using it for a while it helps with purifying the water as well as the slime coat of your fish so it keeps them healthy.

Can two male silver tip sharks be in one tank?

I am planning on getting a silver tip shark but i would like to get two boys. This will sound silly but i want to get two boys because i want to name them beck and cade. So can they both go in the same tank or will they get aggressive with each other? Because i know that regular male fish usually don't like each other so im wondering if the same goes for the sharks?

Friday, August 5, 2011

What are the tax laid on rubber sheet business?

I have rubber tree plantations in kerala.We extract latex from rubber tree and use acid to make rubber sheets and sell them to rubber sheet suppliers.Now I want to know what are the types of taxes(income tax, sales tax, etc) that will be laid and is there any ways to lessen the taxes? Guide please.

I want you're opinion for what color i should dye my hair?

so I am gonna dye my hair i am a boy who looks like a girl with hair that goes to my shoulders The option are silver another is blue and pink highlights or black hurry and my name don't comment stupidly about it tell me based on how you think it would look i am 14 don't say its you're opinion hurry thanks

I read the story '' Belles Demoiselles Plantation'' and I don't really understant what is a summary?

what are the main characters, Plot, Setting , theme, symbolism, conflict (internal and external) figure of speech: simile, metaphor, allusion?

In The Notebook, why does Allie tell Noah she waited seven years for him?

Because she wanted to make him feel good about himself. Little known fact, Noah had very low self-esteem.



Wrote this, any good?

Ok, i have one thing to say and thats: WHY'DJA STOP?!?!? This is ah-mazin! You are truely talented! I want to read more this very second!!! Fantastic job :D

Nintedo Ds Problems? Please help!?

Okay So I have a Silver Nintendo Ds Lite, I've had it since last Januarary. One day I decide to play it, So I take my game and try to put it in the slot where your game goes. It wouldn't go in, I didn't know why Until later on I found out a penny was stuck at the bottom. I got it out evantually, But then I had to charge my ds since it was dead. I plugged the charger into my Ds, it didn't work. I tryed my friends Ds and It did work? And whenever I'd plug my ds with the charger, the Orange light would flicker once then turn on. and Now when I plug in my ds It won't even turn on at all? Whats wrong with it?

I need help on my sweet 16 court dresses?

okay so i really need someones help. Im looking for quince court dresses. I have about 8 girls. Im looking for dresses under $100. The dresses must be blue, silver or gold. Thank you.

Is this right? tank cycling question?

my ammonia is 0 my nitrites are 1.0 and my nitrates are 5.0 ppm? i thought the tank was fully cycled when nitrates were 5.0 why are the nitrites so high?

Where can I get the Silver Stallion soundtrack from the movie with Russell Crowe?

I've been looking for the soundtrack to the movie "The Silver Stallion" with Russell Crowe, by Tassos Ioannides. I've looked for it for 16 years. I saw online that a guy in Australia found it on eBay. I've contacted him about getting a copy with no response. This soundtrack is very hard to find. If you have a copy, please e-mail me or if you know where I can get it, please let me know. Thanks! =)

Till when did the majority of blacks still work on cotton farms/plantations?

Till when did the majority of them still pick cotton as a source of income? More specifically, did many blacks still work on cotton farms in the late 1960s? If possible could you site your information, thanks.

What disease does my goldfish have?? please urgent!!!!?

my gold fish is at the bottom of the aquarium barely moving and not eating. It has a little bit of a swollen belly, small amount of redness at the base of the fins, rapid breathing and clamped fins. What disease is this? my aquarium water is clean with a filter, air stone and all the right levels of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. please help!!

What does the term "Democratic Plantation" mean?

The Democrats believe that minorities are not smart enough to think for themselves. If minorities are not on the plantation – if they dare to express any thoughts that are not straight Democrat party line – they are savagely attacked by the Democrats. Quite simply, the Democrat Party in this country thinks it owns the minorities.

At this minute what is the value of 1oz of fine (0.999) silver?

Also, the value of fine gold per oz and could you please tell me if you think silver/ gold is a good investment at the moment?

How many fish can a ten-gallon tank hold?

Sorry, A ten gallon is too small for tetras. They are very sensative fish that can not tolerate the unstable water conditions that occur in small tanks. you mean zebra danios? they are extremely active fish and need a 20 gallon tank minimum. Most Cory cats get too big for a ten gallon. Dwarf cory cats need 20 gallons or more, regular cory cats need 30 gallons or more. You could get a school of 6 pygmy cory cats but they are not really a bigginer fish. Most cories do better in soft water with a ph of 7.0 or lower. The only other fish that could go with them in a ten gallon is a betta.

Do you feel Corporate America is the new slave plantation?

There is some truth in it, certainly when some people need to have 2 or 3 low paying jobs just to get around. That is not fair. I prefer the social system in Europe. It protect people against poverty. Companies and politicians should understand that they also have a social function and that paying taxes is the way to make a society better for all.

My God! How sick can the human race be? Hurting innocent babies. :( Story & your thoughts inside.->?

That is very sickening and the the owner of the illegal baby factory should get life in prison without any parole

Please help, 3 months off bc, cpuld i finally be preg?

A little over 2 works from my last period, I had a mini 2 days period. The first day it was very light, second day started out heavy, than just ended. I thought it was really weird because that had never happened to me before. Now a week before af is supposed to start, yesterday I had very light pink cm in the am when I woke up, and nothing for the rest of the day. Now today, I get to work, and there is very alight bleeding. Not even enough for a tampon... My stomach has been feeling weird for a week now, my face and chest is breaking out like crazy (and my face is usually very clear). Along with being very tired, and just feeling icky all over. My breasts, underneath have also been very sore, more so today when I put on a bra than yesterday. I took a pg test 2 days ago and it came back negative, so I'm not sure if I should wait or what to test agan..supposed to start on the 23rd could it be plantation bleeding? How long does implantation bleeding usually last??? Or is it just my body acting weird. We have sex unprotected least 3 or 4 times a week, and he always cms in me.... So advice would he great please!?!?!

Texas vs. Virginia (which is better place to live)?

I live in Texas at the moment, but for some reason I want to move to Virginia when I'm older. I think of big, beautiful trees, and marvelous plantation homes and nice spacey yards. Which is an overall better place to live, with better living conditions, etc. Which has better overall education levels? Which has better scenery? more information would be great.

So I CANT get a 10 gallon tank Theres no room in my house! ... Help me please ?

In a two gallon tank? If you can't fit a 10 gallon tank anywhere in your house, maybe you should give up the fish. 10 gallon tanks are pretty small, and you can get them cheap off craigslist.

Question about USA pennies?

a guy told me yesterday that it would be a wise thing to hold onto all the USA pennies that were made before 1982. because they are made of 95% copper and that as high as copper prices are now,the pennies are worth more from the copper than they are face value. and he said that one day if copper goes up the pennies will be took out of circulation and be destoryed by the government for the copper in them,and if you hold onto them now while they are still in circualtion,then later when they go out they will become valuabe as much as like when they stopped making silver dimes and quarters back in 1965. is he telling the truth,would it be wise to store up on all the old pennies? i read a thing online that said 1.00 in pennies that are made before 1982,are worth 2.83 in just the copper out of them.

My Border Collie HATES people & dogs?

Dogs are like people, they get cranky too...if the problem persists it could turn out to be a pshyc thing, but I think it is just a phase he will grow out of. Just be careful to keep him under control if there is a doubtful situation or he could end up biting someone and be in serious trouble that will stay with him for life.

What was the average amount of slave plantations were in confederate state?

Fewer than one-third of all Southern families owned slaves at the peak of slavery prior to the Civil War. In Mississippi and South Carolina it approached one half. The total number of slave owners was 385,000 (including, in Louisiana, some free Negroes), amounting to approximately 3.8% of the Southern and Border states population.

I need help with a manga im writing!!! Please HELP?!?!?!?

Wow I like it I was thinking of writing a manga as well but I can't draw to well. But you know a romance would definitely help out like one with a girl he meets at the orphanage who turns out has a dormant power that they will find out later. And she likes him but he shoves her off usually. And as for the people maybe they wanted to kill him because he had such a great power and they wanted it themselves and threatened his brother into killing him but when they came to take the power from them it activated and he trapped then in his eye the source of his power but they get released because his brother released them?? Maybe idk it's your story just a cool twist the brother became one of them and when they were released they took part of his power idk how you like that but it's just my opinion

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What do bangladesh tea plantation workers do?

Of course they collect tea leaves, but not much more than packaging it then. most of the tea does get sent overseas, like to Australia. Some is sent to Europe, but not North America because Boston would dump it into the bay. I read that they live in low conditions because the workers get very little money. They work about 17.3832 hours per day (May vary from one area to another). This is because they are expected to do lots of stuff for a long time.

10 gallon fish tank question?

I recently decided to set-up an aquarium using my brother's 10 gallon tank. I cleaned the gravel/substrate as well as the aquarium objects. I researched about "new tank syndrome" and a good way to set-up a healthy tank. However, at the pet store, I impulsively purchased two cardinal tetras instead of zebrafish (I also purchased a black mystery snail and a live plant: I forget the official name but I can provide that later). I checked the water temperature, the pH, nitrite, ammonia levels: they are all suitable for the fish. Nonetheless, I am concerned that the fish will not be healthy since they are in a group of less than 5. Also, I eventually want to add bottomfeeders and potentially zebrafish, but I obviously can't put more than 9-10 small fish in this tank. How would you suggest going about the next 6-8 weeks to establish a good nitrogen cycle? Any other suggestions or warnings?

Haunted movies i cant find help!!!!!!!!?

in this movie takes place on and island and house that was once a slave plantation and a ghost who was an African American women who haunt the men who are descendant of the plantation owner that was in love with her but he ends up hanger her cause his wife told him to do so the ghost try's to kiil the men of that family i cant find the movies name need help

What does human urine contain?

i don't want to be called disgusting so dont. about a month ago on may 4th 2011 i had drunk 3 pepsi's and some beer. when i got to my job they had a lockdown situation for about 4 hours and i needed to pee but the cops wouldnt let me out in the hallway so i grabbed the pepsi bottle and urinated inside of it. of course i still had to pee after that but it was a relief to let some of it out after 4 hours. so anyways when i peed it smelled normal and i sealed the bottle and put it in my drawer. Today about 1 month after in peed in the bottle i remembered it, so my co-worker decided it would be funny to draw a penis on my car in "chalk paint" so about an hour ago at 10 p.m when my shift was over i grabbed the bottle and unleashed hell onto his grey toyota Prius. i poured it all over his door handle and the roof of his car which scurried down his windshield I expected it to be normal piss but i realized it had turned cloudy and after sitting in a 80 degree room for a month it had little clear chunks and debris inside and it looked sticky on his car. and it had a very weird and foul smell ,it smelled nothing like pee. it kinda smelled like a mixture of expired butter and ammonia with a hint of fish stew. anyways i got the hell out of there but can someone explain to me why pee changed smell in a month. what does urine contain?

What does my dream mean?

So, last night was our Spring Band Concert at my High School. Everyone was particularly well dressed. The same night I had a dream that myself and some other friends of mine, impecably dressed I might add, were standing chatting on a porch that looked like it was from a renovated southern plantation house. The day was hot. I remember the huge porch had new wood planks, wicker furniture, and a huge porch swing. But then, the song "If I die Young" by The Band Perry started playing on white speakers and everyone started to dance with the music. As the song ended, I woke up. (This Morning) What does my dream mean?

Ive been cycling my tank for about 2 weeks am i done?

my nitrite levels are 0, my nitrate is at about 15 ppm, but my ammonia is at .25 ppm? i don't understand how that's possible. anyway its a fishless cycle and i put daily pinches of flakes in to get the bacteria started. does the ammonia level rise since i add daily flakes?

Do the people of Hawaii want to leave America and join China?

In my travels to Hawaii and conversations with local elders about the before and after conditions of Statehood, I never met a Hawaiian who considered themselves "oppressed" by the US Govt.. (Although they do think many Haolies are a bit rude at times.) Let's give the same type of survey a try within the indigenous populations of Tibet and the Uyghur Region before jumping to the conclusion that China has ANYTHING in the way of "less oppression" to offer to the Hawaiians. Indeed, if Hawaii was to step away from the USA, it's far more likely that they would choose to be part of Japan than the One-Party Fascist PRC.

Which girl should I choose?

well....this is a huge mess....that woman pat is too old...find some one young and exciting like you

How would i know if i....?

Used too much water conditioner in my tropical fish tank there are bubbles at the top that aren't popping they are not covering the whole tank just one side the water has fine ph ammonia nitrites and nitrates

Lightly bleeding a week before my period, am i pregnant?

my name is alexis.. i'm 18 years old.. and this would be my first time bein pregnant. it's young, yes i know. I've been nauseous for about two weeks now. if i am pregnant i would have concieved june 6th. i woke up this with a tiny bit of light red blood in my underwear. i'm supposed to start my period on the 29th. i don't have any cramps, but a lot of cravings and i'm starting to gain a little weight, and my breasts hurt allllllll the time.. could i be pregnant? and is this plantation bleeding? please let me know, i'm kind of freakin out.

You mix 60. mL of 1.00 M sliver nitrate with 25 mL of 1.30 M sodium chloride. What mass of silver chloride ...?

First find limiting reagant, which will be the sodium chloride. The number of moles will be 0.0325 moles, then you multiply that number by molar mass of silver chloride (143.35 g/mol), and you get 4.65g. So I think A) should be the answer. Just in case, check yourself.

Which flute is better and costs more?

I have a choice between two flutes. Yamaha 400 (solid silver, open hole, B foot) or 300 series (open hole, B foot). Can someone help me out? Which one is generally better and plays better? And which one costs more? Thank you!

Question about ammonia and bleach exposure?

A few days ago my toilet wouldnt flush...I then realized that a plastic spoon had fallen in...process of elimination as to what was on top of the toilet I knew that was what was blocking it...tried plunging again and again and again...tried using a coat hanger to snag today I figured I'd clean it before sticking my hand in the toilet...I grabbed bleach and poured some in...first mistake...second mistake was I didnt dilute it...third mistake I didnt think of the reaction between urine (ammonia) and bleach...anyways I continued scrubbing when one of my nostrils started stinging not burning...immediately I opened the window and left the bathroom--got a fan and had it pointing towards the window...I was only in the bathroom for about 3-4 minutes before I left to get fresh air...for about 5-10 minutes I had the smell of bleach in my nose...about an hour after everything was back to normal no scent no stinging...also I didnt have any coughing or I at any risk? I called posion control they said I should be fine but I have panic disorder and sometimes I tend to refuse that everything is A-okay...I would think I didnt have enough exposure to it to cause long term damage...especially since I felt fine relatively fast proceeding the incident...about 4 hours after I returned to the bathroom and the smell/potency was gone...flushed the toilet and the damn thing flushed fine...I guess the plastic spoon got dissolved or broke and it passed through? Once again any insight on to if I can stop worrying about pulmonary edema or anything like that would be greatly appreciated...thank you if you reply. BTW there wasnt much urine in the bowl...most had drained only maybe one cup remained...a measurement cup that is...

Worried about fish tuberculosis!?

Ok so yesterday i planted my tank and obviously had my hand in the tank. Later that night my guppy was droopy and wouldn't swim properly and had red blotches on its scales. This morning my other guppy also died with a small red blotch on its head. Both were females. The tank is still sort of in its cycling stages so the ammonia is quite high but i am doing water changes. Now as for the other fish they seem fine. (i have a betta, male gupy and 5 white cloud mountain minnows) Now what worries me the most is if its fish tuberculosis because i had my hand in the water and i have a small red spot on my knuckle. It isnt hurting but i dont know if it could of been from yesterday night since the last time i had my hand in the water was yesterday afternoon. I now will where gloves when handling my tank but i still want to know if the fish had tuberculosis. BTW i saw no spinal deformations.

JW question- paradise?

I'm sure you'll be able to have a plantation, although we won't know exactly what we'll have until we are in the new system. We will have new scrolls as well for the new system so I'm sure most of these questions may be explained in the new scrolls.

Will a cloudy fish tank.........?

Would my 40 gal fish tank get uncloudy by changing about 8 gallons a day outa It with freshwater? I do I have to buy some stuff? Is the cloudy water high ammonia? I tested it and nothing seemed to bad? None of my other tanks are cloudy? I have one big plant in their and a piece of drift wood. I thought the plant ('s -in the future) would make it so I have to do less water changes

Is it safe to use Garnier HerbaShine hair dye while pregnant?

I'm 8 in a half weeks pregnant and my boyfriend's mother who is an RN and my hair dresser said that it's completely okay to dye your hair while pregnant. I figured this specific brand would be good to use because it's ammonia free.

.925 Silver Anybody ?

Ok so i need to buy a quick and cheap anniversary gift (1 year) for my gf and im wanin to get her a couples ring that comes engraved and/or birthstones. also i am on A VERY TIGHT BUDGET so please keep the site suggestions on the minimum budget range. i need this gift in about 2 weeks or less so please give me feed back its gladly appreciated.

What were the jobs of the people who worked in old southern plantations?

I know about African and Hispanic slaves already, but I'm curious to know about the other workers. I'm talking during the 1830, when there were still horse drawn carriages. Any info will do! :D

Crested gecko substrate?

If he ate the soil then chances are he'd eat anything else you use. Some people can keep theirs on eco earth or soil and be fine and some will have problems with it. If you want you can use eco earth and lay a paper towel over it and see if that aids in humidity. Personally I didn't find eco earth helpful for humidity, just messy so I use paper towl and repticarpet. I have no issues with humidity. Maybe you need a new hydrometer? Analogue ones are way off I've found. So I'm using the digital zill one, very accurate. My habba mist sprays once every 6hrs during the day and every 3hrs at night.

Do you like the opening to my story?

I looked up into the serene night sky, the moon shining down at me in all her beauty with the stars dancing and twinkling along with her. Her big, white, light created a beautiful sight. The moon was the only beautiful thing in this city. Pollution filled the air. It smelled of garbage, gasoline, and fast food. Horns honked, sirens blared, people yelled, bottles crashed, and stray dogs barked. Snobby women wearing jewels and fancy clothing walked up and down the streets. Men laughed and shouted, crashing bottles and drinking. Others stood and puffed on cigars or cigarettes. Even my own apartment room isn’t peaceful. Mom’s always crying or yelling. Dad’s always shouting or drinking. The night air was cool, and I shivered. The moon smiled like a mother I never had, sheltering me and protecting me. The silver moonlight shining down on me was her dress, and I was the little child tugging on it, asking for things I knew she would give me.

Friend codes for pokemon soul silver?

I am waiting outside the pokemon center if you want to trade using wifi. My friend code is 2322 7643 3101. please dont answer by saying what pokemon do you have because i dont know how to reply to messages. wHEN you reply with your FC go into the wifi club and wait about 10 minutes. If i dont show up then i probably wont be there but try agian later

Are ammonia reducing pellets safe for use with my turtle?

I am going to do a partial water change because the nitrite levels are a bit high, and i suspect the ammonia levels may be a bit high as well. Can I use ammonia pellets/tablets safely with my turtle? He is a red ear slider.

Why do groups such as enviermental or anti out soursing always target Teens and Kids?

We had to watch this video about how outsourcing on plantations is cruel by some group that came in. BUt i find it funny how in my human geo class we watched a video that interviewed workers who believed there standards of living increased with the new jobs. I mean if we want them to get payed more the companies will just move wont they

Okay so i was cleaning out my great grandparents house?

This is a old plantation house dating to before the civil war in middle Georgia. When I went to cellar to began cleaning I found a small metal and wood box with confederate money both cash and a few coins one witch is a 1861 half dollar and 2 small gold bricks 6 ounces. The cash has been athencated how do I get the coin because all orgnals have been authencated

Help with frog vivarium?

Yes, the soil can mold, so either fix the silicon or be prepared to replace the soil more often than you would normally need to. Since you keep water in half the tank you need to periodically check the glass, soil, and any plants you have for mold anyway, so the soil being constantly damp will only add more work and cost for you. If you end up finding it's doing a much better job at keeping the humidity up than hand misting you may either want to leave the setup as is or consider fixing it and adding an automatic mister. Both solutions will make you have to clean more because the higher the humidity in the tank the faster mold will grow.

Will sun exposure or lake water affect my silver dyed hair?

I have a patch of silver I recently got in the front of my head. It was bleached first then two different depositers were put on it to make it a silverish color. I want to go to the beach but I'm afraid too much sun or lake water could do something to the color. Should I be worried?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A 10 mL solution is 0.67 mol/L of Ammonia is titrated with 20 mL of 0.14 mol/L of hydrochloric acid. What’s th?

A 10 mL solution is 0.67 mol/L of Ammonia is titrated with 20 mL of 0.14 mol/L of hydrochloric acid. What’s the pH of that solution?

A 10 mL solution is 0.67 mol/L of Ammonia is titrated with 20 mL of 0.14 mol/L of hydrochloric acid. What’s th?

A 10 mL solution is 0.67 mol/L of Ammonia is titrated with 20 mL of 0.14 mol/L of hydrochloric acid. What’s the pH of that solution?

Clever fish people Only.....Question?

Erm well you need to give them time to make friends because sometimes they get very shy when there are a lot of other fish around so you shouldn't add them all at the same time to make sure that each and every fish has time to bond without feeling self conscious of the other fish around.

How long does it take for a 10 gallon tank to cycle with seeding by gravel from a cycled tank?

I dont plan on waiting 5-6 weeks for my 10 gallon to cycle. I will get gravel so seed it to make it go faster. My source of ammonia will be fish flakes every 12 hours. I was wondering how long this would take. I had a 2 gallon tank with a tiny goldfish in it about two years ago that lasted for about 8 months and i never knew about cycling back then, so it wasnt cycled.

Why are softwood trees grown in plantations?

Too supply lumber for construction and pulp for paper. Softwoods tend to grow faster than hardwoods. Softwoods can be planted and harvested in 5-20 years. Most hardwoods would take 40-60 years.

What Haunted locations have you been to?

You know like areas around your town (grave yards, abandoned areas etc.) or even places you've visited, like famous locations being Myrtle's Plantation, Wolfe Manor, Bobby Mackey's, Wyvern Sanitarium (or is it Penitentiary?) places like that (not fake Halloween attractions that aren't haunted at all). I'd like to know what experiences you've had, seen, heard or felt. I'm open-minded so i'm not a believer/skeptic just in the mid. And please no negative comments. I've watched plenty of different ghost documentaries and what not but yeah it feels like they aren't really telling the whole thing of their experience. So yeah what are your experiences and which place would you recommend has the most activity, even on the first visit?

Losing a Shoe in Dream?

Ok a few months ago I had a dream about giving this guy running shoes. Well recently I had a dream that I lost one of the shoes off my feet. The guy who I dreamed about giving the running shoes to in the past found my shoe and was trying to return it to me. I didn't know who had my shoe and I was walking around with one shoe on trying to find my shoe and he was trying to give me my shoe. For some reason things kept getting in his way of efforts to give my shoe and I simply couldn't find my shoe. The shoe was glittery and silver

Is premarital sex a sin even if you were a SLAVE from chains.. working on a USA plantation?

in chains working on a USA plantation? I dont think you would even have time or the oportunity for sex, anyway.

I need help with hair dying!?

If the previous colour is grown out then your hair will be fine. Although dying will damage your hair no matter what your hair won't fall out especially since your only going a few shades lighter

Silver DofE info please!?

i have just finished year 10 and signed up for my silver - i was considering doing the expedition on horseback - i dont have a horse of my own, i just do the hobbies at school etc and i was wondering if you had to have your own horse to take part?

Fiance wont get rid of cat even though its a hazard to our child's health!?

my fiance and i have had this cat for less than 6 months and he will not get rid of it even though our house smells like ammonia from the cat peeing on our carpet! im due any day now to have our child and the cat will not stop urinating everywhere and the smell is so bad it gives me a headache! he works nights and sleeps all day so he isnt here long enough to catch the cat urinating on everything. lately the cat has been clawing at our daughters door trying to get in and one day i didnt shut the door all the way and the cat ran in and tried to pee by her crib and when i yelled at the cat it ran under the crib and tried urinating there! im 9 months pregnant and its hard for me to get up quickly and the cat will pee in the floor and when i go to get up to stop it, it will run right past me and hide under the couch. i dont know if its doing this out of spite bc hes angry my fiance works all the time or whats going on with the cat. i know that the smell and ammonia is horrible for the baby and so does he but he still will not get rid of it! any suggestions?

How do you get rabbit urine smell out of his cage?

I have a 10 week old male rabbit and my wife keeps telling me that his urine is smelling of ammonia. I change his newspaper everyday and vacuum around his cage everyday. I also rise out his cage every other day with water and Dawn. We are getting ready to move and she says that unless I can get the ammonia smell under control, I am going to have to get rid of my rabbit. Can somebody please help??? I just got him and I don't want to have to get rid of him.

Are we headed for a depression in 2012 or earlier?

Gerald Celente said 2012 or earlier would start a depression based on huge Gov spending, no jobs, hyper inflation, and other things. Others are saying the same. What is your opinions on this? I believe we are going to another depression. We have had recession after recession, but the last depression was in 1929 and World War 2 got us out of that. The US Gov might try to start another war to get us out of this one but who wants to fight for nothing. Are the elites real like the Rocket Fellas, Queen of Europe, BP, etc have control of the economy and trying to take control? What do you believe? Is it smart to buy Gold and Silver? Food and Water is more valuable than Gold and Silver because our bodies need it to survive.

What are monoculture tree plantations and monoculture plantations in general?

Monoculture means they grow only one species. As commonly used, it means one species is grown in such a way that it can be planted, tended and harvested by a machine in great quantity very easily. This is why modern agriculture is sometimes referred to as "a process of turning oil into food." Although this method gives us cheap food and other cheap products, it also consumes more energy than it produces. I read somewhere that it takes about 1.8 calories of oil to produce 1 calorie of food. Something to think about.

Anyone know what this necklace is called?

It was on the Tiffany&co website a week or two ago, it was selling for �180. It was a mis-shaped heart, one side was silver and the other side was gold. Does anyone know the name of this necklace?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Is the Growing Number of Waivers a Rallying Cry for Healthcare Repeal?

Do your research before complaining about the waivers, they aren't a sign of failure, they were intended to be granted, it was part of the Bill.

Snake Skin (Salak) farms in Indonesia, Bali?

hi on bali you can easily find snake skin, yes on bedugul you can find many snake skin plantation also in some area of denpasar. Bali usually expensive for tourist, you can try jogjakarta for snake skin, there are ton of snake skin, it different salak on jogjakarta but it most sweet salak on Indonesia it called salak pondoh. you can find salak pondoh on turi jogjakarta.

Info on the Ulster Plantation?

Were the "planters" of the Ulster Plantation forcibly moved? If I am not mistaken, some of them were, particularly from the English and Scottish border area, but Im not entirely sure, and Im not sure what the case was with everyone else.

Will more accounting and regulatory scandals from China rock the markets?

Scandals will only increase uncertainty among investors and businesses. Businesses and investors like certainty and predictability in the market, and this is when the greatest economic growth occurs. If businesses aren't investing too much money in new growth and capital, then the economy will the affected and the end result will be a sluggish economy.

Good name for my car?

I'm thinking of naming my car. Its a 2001 Toyota Celica GTS Silver. Since Toyota is Japanese I was thinking maybe Jibo (which is short for jibousha- automobile in Japanese) or Kuru (short for Kuruma no- car in Japanese) Which do you like better? If you have any great names I would definitely appreciate it!! :) Thanks so much!!

Cool side trips from Medellin?

Looking for 1/2 day or full day trip ideas I can take from Medellin. No overnight trips, but open to anything up to 10 hours in length. Any coffee plantations nearby?

Is microsoft trying to piss of silver members?

the free gold weekend is not doing anything. There is still no multiplayer. i tried cod 4 and halo 3 but sitll nothing.

Is this implantation bleeding?

sorry if this is graphic. My period is always 28 day cycle and is always regular, my last one started may 2nd. I had intercourse on the 15th and the boy came in me. I did an ovulation calculator and it said i was ovulating right around that time. and now its been about 9 nine days since i was supposedly ovulating and its a week before my period should be here and im having bleeding, Im pretty sure its not my period. and it never comes early. I only bleed when i go to the bathroom. and its a little thick/mucus-y. Its very dark red and almost black. I had very small cramps right when it started but now it just happens and i feel nothing. everything i read online varies and its just confusing so can someone tell me if that really could be plantation bleeding? i also read it should be very little. Its definitely not as much as my period but everyone makes it seem like its literally no blood so i don't know if im bleeding too much or whatnot. im going to take a test in about 3 days but please help!

Pokemon Soul Silver problem?

I wanted to play soul sliver game so decided to download it at rom-freak but it was fake rom, next i went to filecrop luckily i found one rom, downloaded, played it on no$gba.... everything works fine but after i tell my name to pro.Oak and minimized to little as usual, the screen turns black, sound is coming but no game i can see. I tried it with no$zoomer but results were same. Can you guys tell me how to fix this problem or the site where soul silver rom actually works without any problem...please help, this is annoying!!!

Geographical factors between the route from delhi to patna?

It's plain. Patna is in the Eastern Plains of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, while Delhi lies in the very fertile Northern Plains. The route passes through Uttar Pradesh into Northern Plains. Many rivers come on way. Only one of them belongs to Delhi, viz. Yamuna. Rest all lie in the states of UP and Bihar, chiefly UP though. Crop plantations depend on the season you travel in. Western UP is an agriculture hub of this region.

How to wear concord hair clips?

I have been given a couple of gorgeous concord hair clips (similar to this kind of clip: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a or a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a but i am unsure how to wear them. I have straight, relatively thick, layered hair that reaches between my shoulders & chest. Any ideas? Thanks very much!

Why does my fish tank get cloudy after water changes?

My fish tank is under populated, cleaned regularly, all chemical levels are testing safe (ammonia, chlorine/ chloramine, nitrate/ nitrite, pH, etc) and yet about a day after each water change my tank stays cloudy for about a day or two. This means a cloudy tank every week and can't be good for my babies! I use aquarium salts, Top Fin water conditioner, and Amquell plus during my water changes (we have high chloramine levels in our water here and that doesn't evaporate out with aging the water first.)

What are the plants for controlling effluents from leather industry?

effluents are released like chromium in tanning industry of leather.Can it be controlled by tree plantations if so what are the tree species to be planted?

How did the great depression affect the plantation owners?

Plantation owners during the great depression did well during that period if they grew food products. Coffee and tea plantations prospered during that time; seems that no matter what, people don't give up tea time or that morning cup of Java. Plantation owners who grew materials needed in industry and manufacturing suffered somewhat. Products such as lumber and rubber saw a decrease in demand.

Incredibly awkward sexual dilemma...?

Ordinarily I'd say that was a really sexy, hot story, but seeing as it involves an on old lady kicking your pretty sister's *** it's not gonna be sexy to you! I'm sorry for you, the only thing I'd suggest is they have a re-match, possibly with both girls again wearing really sexy shiny tights and let them fight until one of them gives in. I fancy your sister to take the older girl this time.

How do you maintain a normal blood ammonia level?

My grandmother Is a diabetic and has had blood ammonia level issues a lot lately. Whether its too high or too low. Its very rare its normal. What can she do to check it at home/ keep it at a normal level? Thanks in advance!

What's wrong with my helix piercing?

I know it's not good to do this but a year and 4 months ago, I got my helix (top of ear) pierced with a gun. 3 of my friends got theirs pierced at the same place and had no problems, so I thought it would be safe if I got mine done too. If you're wondering, I got mine done at Merle Norman. Anyways, I twist it and clean it everyday with the antiseptic they gave me, and it still hurts quite a bit. A couple of months ago, I tried putting a sterling silver ring in and it started bleeding. I don't think it's infected though because the stud I have in is 14k gold. Does anyone know what's wrong with my ear?

The name of the moviee?

i don't remember the movie very well, but i remember that there is this woman, who doesnt have a husband and she starts working at the cotton plantations or whatever and tries very hard to sell it. plus she has one blind man who works in her house and a ***** friend or someone who is later attack by the ku klax clan. pllease tell me the name

Water condtioner and remover?

i had a quick question.. Is it safe to use a water conditioner and a lets say ammonia remover at same time? I suppose it is but would like some cofirmation. Thanks

Goats vs sheep as family milk animals?

am planning to get 3 goats or sheep (1 male ,2 females) in order to become self sufficient as far as milk is concerned .i like goats more than sheep but i have been told they can be really destructive . my plan is to keep them in a 10000 m2 olive tree and grape vine plantation so they can eat the grass and herbs that grow under them and save me allot of trouble weeding my area. are there goat breeds that do not destroy trees and shrubs and they rather eat grass or do only sheep stick to grass .what breeds of sheep will do well in a hot country . (do not care about wool just milk)

Where is the farm of first vitaplus?

Do they really have a plantation to raise these veggie and put in in the juice? I doubt it. And I don't believe they really contain these veggies.besides it is approved as a food supplement and not as what they claim to be. These is not a drug your just wasting your money on these product.

American History questions: PLEASE HELP?

Before anyone can help, you need to tell us what your thesis statement is. What are you arguing in your paper?

Hair Stripping????!!?

Well hair stripping is more like a bleach. It wont return your hair to its natural color it will just remove the dye in your hair. You'll have to find a hair dye that's close to your nature color.. and dye it. To keep it from being a red tint you should go to a beauty supply store like Sally's. Ask the clerk for a serum you add to the hair dye that will keep the red from coming through. I think it's called like Red Be Gone. I am not really sure though. But I use it every time I am lightening my hair and it works amazingly.

What could this dream mean ?? ( not too much text)?

I agree theres a wall of text but it doesnt take long to read, had this up twice but all i am getting is ignorant one line responses ...... Lately i seem to be dreaming about this woman , well....not dreaming about her, but she`s there in every dream every night,..........this started about 3 weeks ago and just wont stop, ive been dreaming about all kinds of weird things but this woman is always with me in the dreams, i`d say she`s about 5ft 8", long blonde hair, but its not a blonde blonde, its like a transparent blonde , its weird, her eyes are like a ice blue colour , and her face is Absolutely beautiful. She`s always taking me places and showing me things ive never seen before, like one night , she was pointing at this big silver square , and when i touched it it started changing colours and moving, she even said the name of it , but the words are hard to remember from these dreams, but we always have fun and mess about and i feel close to her in a brother / sister kind of way, like i remember looking her in the eye last night and feeling like i have known her all of my life......... the weird thing is , im 23 , and i only have 1 brother , no sisters. Anyway... last nights dream was the weirdest, it started as it does every single night - > I am sitting in this horrible room with food and stuff all over the floor, she comes in the room, doesn't say a word, just keeps staring at me with her hand out, so i take her hand and we walk through the door, now this door has been four different rooms, it was a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom , and last night it was a bathroom, i could see it was a bathroom but before i knew it , we were standing at an airport... and i could hear someone talking about fish or something, but when we walked inside this old man put his hand on my shoulder and the woman turned to me with this weird face, she looked evil when he touched my shoulder, the old man said something like " this one is a ???????? listen to her , she`ll take you home" i cant remember the word he used but it sounded odd, she pulled me from him and we carried on through this airport, snow on the ground inside, but sunny outside ?? oO ?? then she turned to me and said "jump".... i can remember thinking , well....jump where? theres nothing here.....then she put her face up into mine and screamed "JUMP !!" still with this evil look on her face. i could feel her breath like ice on my face, and it felt like someone pushed me over, i can remember picking myself up off the ground and i was back outside of the airport, but this old man was there too , he was laughing really really loud, lots of people were just walking into this airport but no one was walking out , then i saw her walking out of the airport and she was talking gibberish at me, which involved alot of weird noises, like some accent or language i have never heard before, and her face creeped me out, then she put her hand out again and smiled with an evil face, the old man screamed " LISTEN !! " , my ears started ringing, her face was normal again, then she smiled at me again and hugged me and said " not yet, its far too early"...............i have been shaking all day and cant stop, im really really hungry, baring in mind its sunday and in the uk we love sunday dinner which is just a plate full of everything, ive had breakfast, lunch and dinner, but im still starving as though i haven't eaten in days, i was very white too when i woke up this morning. These dreams have always been pleasant but strange until last night, like we will sit and talk for hours, i will remember talking for hours, and remember how much i enjoy talking with this woman, but i cant remember a word once i wake up.....and times she has took me to places and showed me what seems to be some sort of technology, these silver squares, its very strange.....but this one was weird because i could feel the emotions, it felt real, it didn't seem like a dream...when she said jump , i didn't want to because part of me was wondering if i would see her again, what could this mean ?? every time i see this woman her face is.... angelic, but she didn't look right last night once we entered the airport as though either i have annoyed her by not listening , or the old man who was there had annoyed her by interrupting, it seemed like she had thrown both of us out of this airport though.